KISS Delhi residential school is located in clean and pollution free surroundings of village Issapur, in Najafgarh area of Delhi. Its approx. 45 km South-West of Connaught place and adjacent to Delhi-Haryana (Dhansa) border, the school campus is comprised of Academic & Hostel Buildings and other support facilities like canteen, RO plant etc.
An enabling infrastructure is a prerequisite for quality education. Physical infrastructure in KISS Delhi comprises of an independent self contained campus for education, administrative building, classsrooms, a library, separate hostels for boys and girls, conference hall, computer laboratary, playground and equipments to play games and sports and other utility services.
KISS Delhi is also having well equiped 10 bedded dispensary for students and staff. Besides this round o clock medical and ambulance facility is also available at KISS Delhi school.
KISS Delhi campus is also equiped with Wi-fi system, Modern Kitchen & Dinning Hall, Video Conferencing facility, RO Drinking Water Plant and CC TV camera systems.
The school has separate hostels for boys and girls. Students in the institute get a good environment to read and write. Proper care is taken to provide a homely atmosphere to the students. Hostel supervisors take care of the cleanliness of the hostel rooms. Hostel warden is overall supervisor responsible for all hostel activities.
KISS Delhi accomodates 500 students and few staff members in its campus. Looking at their health needs KISS Delhi has made necessary medical arrangements. A well equiped and modern dispensary with experienced visiting doctors and a staff nurse functions in the institue for the wellbeing of the students and staffs. The 10 bedded dispensery provides free treatment, medicines and regular health check ups for the stuents. Apart from this the school has also provide ambulance service through a inhouse four wheeler vehicle. The facility remain open round the clock. KISS Delhi has also tied up with the near by government hospital for unforseen health emergency.
KISS Delhi is well equipped with Wi-Fi system, video conferencing facility and closed circuit camera system. VC facility is used for educational purpose and connecting to Bhubaneswar headquaters. Closed circuit camera system enhances security of the campus and monitors its resident.
Preparation of food for students of the institute is a very important task. KISS Delhi lays emphasis on serving the students nutritious food cooked in hygienic environment. In view of this the school has setup a Modern Kitchen and Dinning Hall, where high standard of hygiene is maintained.